Hey jgnat: yes, I remember the Devil's Lake Corral purchase - The Halton Hills Country Club cut a sweet deal with CIBC. Huge upkeep and cost and rural roads to connect it to civilzation. Twice I went off the road in winter.
Simon Morley
JoinedPosts by Simon Morley
Plans for huge Jehovah's HQ take shape
by insidetheKH inplans for a huge jehovahs witness commune on the outskirts of chelmsford are gathering pace.. the international bible students association, the charity which manages jehovahs witnesses printing and literature distribution, wants to create a new british headquarters.. the 82-acre site (about 15 football pitches) at temple farm site, off ship road, west hanningfield.. the plans include a printery - producing bible-based literature - admin and language translation of?ces, video and sound production studios, an auditorium, training centre and workshops all on site.. plus there will be one and two bedroom apartments - for up to 1,200 residents and visitors - along with onsite caterers, laundrettes and healthcare facilities.. the site would also have its own energy centre - making it self-sufficient - and a new access road would also be built from temple wood.. a resident from stock, 60, who didnt want to be named, said: its all a bit sci-fi if you ask me.
its a very unusual development, a commune really.
i wouldnt say i was against it as it is all a bit of a mess at that site at the moment.. the land, currently occupied by a car breakers yard, was removed from the green belt by chelmsford city council in 2008 and earmarked for employment use.. ibsa agreed to buy the land from its current owners in december, as long as they get planning permission for the project.
Society money grab tonight
by Red Piller inwow.
you read about it here.
but, it still doesn't prepare you.. our hall passed a resolution to give about 15,000 to the wt.
Simon Morley
Just wait till the tide turns and the Gen X & Millenial Dubs have to start supporting their parents finaically in their old age. Its coming and the tsunami that the Boomers will bring (yet again) will be costly as they move towards their demise. Quick WTB$ cash grab while they can get it.
Edmonton Convention 200 kms Away
by jgnat inthis has come up before but we ran in to an old guy from the hall over the weekend and he confirmed a few things about the change of edmonton venue this year.
i'd mentioned this old fellow, too.
a rare friend from the kingdom hall, a real character, and i genuinely miss him.
Simon Morley
Really, why not have the concessions open? If all did bring the food it would only take a year for Northlands to realize that it simply was not a good money making evnture for them and not push the issue any further. Really, what parent today has the time to pack a ginormous cooler stocked with food? Northland food is not only fairly good - it is not unreasonably priced - unless its a hockey game.
Edmonton Convention 200 kms Away
by jgnat inthis has come up before but we ran in to an old guy from the hall over the weekend and he confirmed a few things about the change of edmonton venue this year.
i'd mentioned this old fellow, too.
a rare friend from the kingdom hall, a real character, and i genuinely miss him.
Simon Morley
For the benefit of others a bit of context shows the stupidiy of this move. Red Deer has a population of about 12% of Edmonton. There were conventions in Red Deer in the mid to late 90's so some may not remember how bad it was at that time to decend on such a small city and the challenges with services.
While the distance is only 200kms (120 miles) the QE2 is not a very safe road - even though twinned, the lanes are unusually smaller than most canadian highways and add to that heavy north south traffic to and from the Oil Sands and it is not unusual to hear of multiple deaths as vehicles are often crossing the median - drunkeness or a simple lack of sleep and excessive speed. so would it not be wise and practical to limit the amount of traffic and stick to what has worked in the past?
Given that the new arena is under construction and slated to be completed in two years the original "Coliseum" (now Rexall Place) run by Northlands is desparate to hang on to existing customers. In reality using the new arena will be very problemmatic with its downtown location and lack of parking that Rexall place now has an abundant supply of. So I would be securing a long term deal with Northlands. In addition, the lease of Rexall place includes aprking which they will man for a fee or the organizer can do. It always pissed me off that WBT$ charged $25/car to park when this was included in the lease - another cash grab. I know because I was part of a group that negotiated a deal for a trade show.
This only makes sense if you look at it from a business proposition viewpoint of maximum $$ for a return on the investment. It makes no sense as the actions of a supposed loving, kind and benvolent society with a direct channel to holy spirit to guide them.
Any Suggestions on what to say if elders ask why you stopped going in FS?
by BU2B ini was curious what might be some good things to say if i am questioned by the elduurs about my decline in fs.
anything too honest may get me a jc (although that would be for the best in the end..) the co visit is this week so they may be getting more agressive than usual.
Simon Morley
Tell them you are working more on your own, too much time on Saturdays spent on other peoples RV's leaving little time to develop your own. Then pick an evening when there is not a meeting but is a football, baseball, hockey game on that you know the elder likes and ask him to join you....
RBC New CAD Program
by bruh2012 indoes anyone know anything about the new drawing cad program that's coming out from the wtbs?
Simon Morley
Yeah....with Building Information enabled technologies one would not be at the leading edge with CAD. It would be like going back to the 80's and saying you have come up with hand drafting standards. The truth is that they don't want to train anyone with BIM (Revit/Bentley/ArchiCAD) as they might actually get a full time job in the real AEC world.
What it means to be a canadian.
by Truthseeker677 ini will never appologize for being a canadian.
my familly has lived here for about 300 years.
we have seen tribulation and tumult ,good times and bad.
Simon Morley
1) Universal healthcare - works, takes care of the acutely sick
2) Don't have to be a global cop, but we live next door to the police station
3) Canada is a cultural mosaic vs. US cultural melting pot
4) Can have all the centres we like, with as many colours as we want, while we labour with delight
5) Thanksgiving nice placed between Labour Day and Xmas
Describe What a Jehovah's Witness Elder Is Like
by minimus ini know what they are supposed to be like.
but at this point in time, do you think the elders look joyful?
are they serious bible students?
Simon Morley
The majority are very much like Frank (Fancis) Underwood - all syrupy on the outside but a seething mass of virolic hate and selfishness on the inside, especially when crossed.
Text of Guy Pierce Memorial
by Red Piller inguy pierce was born into a large mormon family.
his mother and father were jack mormons, sympathetic to the mormon faith but not ved/ active.
afterworld war ll, his parents moved from utah to california, where guy was born on november 6, l934.when he was eight years old, his grandmother wanted three of her grandchildren to be baptized in the mormon church.
...WBT$/JW Preaching at the Door with a Cell Phone?!...
by OUTLAW in........................ ........................will jw`s be using their cell phone or tablet.. ...............to show a wbt$ video to people in the field service?!!...
........................... .................................... .. .......................................click the link below:.
................................................... http://www.jehovahswitnessrecovery.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=19681.
Simon Morley
Can they submit an expense to the Account (Sucker) Servant for overages on their data plan each month?